Lincoln is here.........and is actually a month old today and I'm just getting around to blogging about it. But life has been a little crazy since June 25th and we're just settling into our own little routine here at home together.
I won't go into detail with the birth story, but we checked in to the hospital on the evening of June 23rd to be induced the morning of the 24th.
Lincoln was finally born via C-section on June 25th, 2013, at 2:39am. He was 8lbs 9oz and 21 inches long - absolutely perfect. We weren't planning on a C-section and it was a little chaotic once the decision was made so someone (my husband!) forgot to bring a camera into the OR. So we don't have any pictures from the actual delivery. Once Lincoln was born and after I got to lay eyes on him for a few minutes, he was taken to the Level 2 nursery to be watched for 48 hours to ensure he didn't have any infection. So I didn't get to see him until later that morning when I was a little less medicated, but both Hal and my mom were able to see him right away and snapped a few pictures! I know I'm biased, but I just couldn't get over how cute he was!!

We were discharged on Friday morning, and we were so ready to get out of there - it was a long week! My mom was so great and had been with us the entire time trading off with Hal being with me in the hospital. So we came home to a clean house and dinner on the table! Have I mentioned before how awesome my mom is?!
Saturday we ran some errands and had a few visitors. Sunday we went to church to introduce Lincoln to everybody and then had a few more visitors that afternoon. Monday morning Lincoln had his first doctor's appointment, we picked up his birth certificate at the courthouse and then we packed the car and headed north for a few weeks! Since both Hal and I are off for the summer we had decided to spend a few weeks up north with my parents. We just weren't planning on Lincoln being over a week late and having to be in the hospital for so long - so we were a little short on recovery time. But we survived (again - thanks to my mom!).
Lincoln did great in the car - he slept almost the entire trip!
Grandma Marge must have seen us pull in the driveway (she lives next door) because she was at the door before we had even made the first trip in with luggage. She was so excited to meet her 40th great-grandchild! What a sweetie - she couldn't stop smiling holding him! We are so blessed to have such a godly woman in our lives who prays daily for each of her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren - and there's a LOT of them!!
Lincoln also got to meet his two cousins, Jace and Britta! They were both kind of obsessed with him. Britta, who is one, just oohed and aahed and squealed over him - it was the cutest thing ever. Every time she saw him she wanted to hug and kiss and touch and poke him! I can't wait to see their friendship grow over the years. Jace was such a good big cousin! If he wasn't holding Lincoln, he would just sit and stare at him!
Lincoln had a lot of firsts while we were up north....his first 4th of July, his first trip to the lake, his first boat ride and his first rodeo. Unfortunately we didn't get any pictures at the rodeo, but I'm pretty sure he had a great time! might be a redneck if you weigh your child on a meat scale. Guilty. Since we were missing Lincoln's two-week appointment (worst parents ever?!) we were curious to see how much weight he was gaining. So we drug out the meat scale naturally. The first week he had gained a pound and the second week almost another pound. What a little chunker!
Hal and I also celebrated our one-year anniversary while we were up north. It's so crazy how fast the year has gone and how much has happened in that short time! It was nice to be able to have a babysitter and enjoy a nice dinner on the river to celebrate! Thanks again, mom and dad! We also got to enjoy our wedding cake one more time. My mom froze part of our cake from the wedding last year so we had it for dessert! It was still as good as the first time around!
Here's just a few more pictures of Lincoln while we were up north.
The night before we left we were able to get some family pictures since all of my siblings were home, which is kind of rare these days since Jordan is in the military in North Carolina and soon to be in Korea for a year.
We're all buckled in and ready to head back to the big city! Even Libby was tired and ready to get home!
We had such a great time and was so nice to be able to be up north with family for three weeks. But we sure were ready to get home and get our own routine established! And I don't have to go back to work until September!! So excited! We're looking forward to enjoying some quality time together in the next few weeks until Hal starts training camp.