here's what's been happening around our house these days.......all about little Lincoln, of course!
I think in my last post I indicated that the Cardinals probably wouldn't make it past the Dodgers in the playoffs. well, I guess what do I know! they did. and they're now playing for the World Series against the Boston Red Sox. the series is currently tied 2-2. for game one, we had to have our Cardinal gear on to cheer on those Red Birds. it didn't help. I think we lost the first game 7-1 or something. Lincoln and I fell asleep during games two and three and we won both of those so I think we might be on to something......
Lincoln and daddy watching the Cardinals together. So sweet!
I think we're going to have another die-hard fan on our hands!

last Friday we celebrated Lincoln's four-month birthday by having his four-month well check appointment. he's growing right on track and is perfectly healthy. he even gave the nurse a big grin after she gave him his shots! what a perfect little patient.

it's starting to get pretty cold around here, so we had to get a winter hat. this one is a little big for now, but so darn cute! I love the little bomber hats.

he's such a happy little guy! and he's loving his walker lately.
he loves to be sitting up and seeing what's going on.....he's so observant.

and he's been rolling like crazy lately, and especially in his sleep. I was so nervous at first when I would go to get him in the morning and he was on his tummy. but I guess as long as he can breathe, he just prefers to sleep on his tummy. it was pretty cute because his mouth was open and there's a big pile of drool underneath his face!
must have been sleeping pretty hard.
must have been sleeping pretty hard.