Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Spring, is that you?!

Yesterday I had to work a little late, so I didn't leave the building until after 5:00.  But I noticed a couple of really exciting things!  One, it was still really light out - the sun was even still up.  Two, it was warm - I certainly didn't need my scarf, or probably even my winter jacket.  And, three, I heard BIRDS singing!!!

AND......the ten-day forecast shows every day above 30 degrees.  I'm SO excited - I love this time of year!!!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Last Weekend's Craft Project....

On Saturday I hit up Joann's to check out some fabric and see if I could attempt to get creative and sew a few simple burp cloths.  Well after walking through the fabric section for about a half hour, I finally picked out a couple pieces.  I haven't really set a "theme" or specific colors for the nursery and I figured it didn't really matter anyway if burp cloths matched the theme (if there was a theme)!  Besides we're having a boy, and the last time I checked boys don't really care about matching.  So I just grabbed a couple pieces of fabric that I thought were cute and away I went.

these are the two combinations of fabric that I chose

I got home and dug my sewing machine out of the closet, cut my fabric and I was off to the races.  Thankfully my machine was still threaded from the last time I used it - which if I recall correctly was during a sewing class that Stephanie and I took back in.....oh, maybe 2009?  Or 2010?  A long time ago.  And we pretty much giggled through the whole class, so I didn't really remember a whole lot.   

finished burp cloth

I got through the first one in no time and was so proud of myself!  "This is going to be so easy," I thought.  Well, then my bobbin ran out of thread.  Are you kidding me?!?  After a couple YouTube videos I managed to get some more thread on it, but then noticed my spool of thread on top was running pretty low.  At this point I think I had the second burp cloth about half done.  And then sure enough my spool of thread ran low enough that I decided to change it.  A couple YouTube videos later (because who really wants to look for the actual manual to your sewing machine?) I managed to get the whole machine re-threaded, although the thread that I had in my sewing box seemed a little thicker than the thread that had been on there before.  But I was going strong again.  And then my bobbin ran out of thread again.  Seriously.  This is kind of getting annoying.  (and btw - I had quit taking pictures at this point!)

But I had already dealt with this so I knew what I was doing.  I re-threaded the bobbin, put it back in place and started sewing.  I was going along great for about three solid seconds when.....SNAP!  The needle snapped in pieces!  I literally just started laughing.  Sure enough, the thread I was using was too thick and when it was on both the top and the bottom it was just too much for the needle to handle. 

So I finished one burp cloth and am halfway done with a second one.  I just haven't made it back to Joann's this week.  I'm hoping to stop on my way home tonight and pick up a new needle and thread and be able to finish the second burp cloth and then maybe put a few more together.  I think I have fabric enough for at least four total!

I'm definitely not a seamstress or really too crafty, but I know this is doable so I'm not giving up!  And despite all the problems I encountered, they're pretty minor, and I kind of felt inspired to maybe do something besides just burp cloths.  I don't know what yet........but I do have an apron that I started for my mom for Mother's Day 2008.  And a pair of pajama pants for Jordan that were for Christmas 2007 or 2008?!?!  We'll see......but, seriously, don't hold your breath!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Baby Reeser Week 22

It's been a couple weeks since I shared my pregnancy tracking blog with you all, so thought I'd give it another shot.

But first - here is a screen shot of my "What To Expect" app on my phone.  I love it.  It has daily advice and weekly updates on your body and the baby.  But probably my favorite part is seeing how big the baby is - for instance, this week he's about the size of a papaya.  He started out at about a raspberry and has gone through just about the whole produce department.  awww....

total weight gain:  12 lbs.

maternity clothes:  love them - so comfy!  i know that's what i'm going to miss most after the baby comes.  but i'm not really loving the variety (or lack thereof) in the stores.  i hate going to target now and seeing all the cute non-maternity clothes they have and knowing there's no way any of it would fit me.  and then going to the two maternity racks they have with the same old plain t-shirts.  but i did recently discover that there's a Motherhood Maternity store close to me and they have cute stuff!!!  yay!

sleep:  love it!  still sleeping great.  hal gets up around 5am during the week, so when his alarm goes off I usually get up and go to the bathroom, but then it's back to sleep for at least another hour.  or hour and a half.  :)

stretch marks:  nope.  i did get some cocoa butter stretch mark lotion at the Motherhood Maternity store and have been using that every once in awhile.

best moment of the week:  well, it was technically last week, but  having our ultrasound and seeing our baby move around for a good half hour - watching his little heart pump away.  wish i could see that every day!

miss anything:  working out.  well, i go back and forth with this one because, really, who loves to work out.  but i've just been feeling huge and out of shape lately and would kind of love a good, sweaty hardcore workout.  guess i'll just have to stick to my walking and maybe a pregnancy workout video. 

movement:  haven't felt a ton of movement, but apparently he's moving around like crazy in there.  there's been a few times where i can distinctively feel a kick or a movement, but most of the time i can just feel the pressure of it.  the doctor said today that i have an anterior placenta, which is normal, and that's why i haven't felt a lot of the movement.

food craving:  again, nothing specific.  every day it's different, but nothing crazy.

anything making you sick/queasy:  feeling pretty good in this area.

have you started to show yet:  um, yes.  got a good little "bump" going on.  i've really felt in the last couple weeks my belly has grown a lot.  hard to imagine i have FOUR months to go!!!  yikes.  i'm going to be the size of a barn!

gender:  BOY!!! 
belly button in or out:  in.  but i think i can tell it's getting closer.  eek.
wedding rings on or off:  on.
happy or moody most of the time:  happy.  well, not like bouncing off the walls happy, but not necessarily moody.  just regular.

looking forward to:  a long weekend with no agenda.  i have today off and monday is a holiday so yay for nothing to do.  i'm so looking forward to it since we've been gone so much lately.  but i do have a lot of cleaning and organizing to do around the house - haven't done laundry in awhile.  plus i think i'll make a trip to Joann's and pick up some fabric for an easy burp cloth tutorial i found on pinterest.  we'll see.  it better be pretty easy for this novice.  and i will probably head over to babies-r-us and maybe start a registry there, or just see what they have.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Love notes

Last weekend after we got back to Minnesota from being in Jamaica and Florida (another post - I promise - once I find my camera cord so I can upload pictures) we hitched a ride with Derek and Jill and Darby and De up to Baudette to pick up our beloved pup who had stayed with Grandpa and Grandma for the week.

We only stayed overnight so we could get back home before we both had to work Monday morning.  And since we only stayed for the first meeting at the chapel that morning I let Jace sit by me and I let him use the bible app on my phone to make it more interesting for him to follow along with the meeting.  He did a good job and was diligent in looking up all the passages that were referred to as different men shared.

On Monday night after we were back home I was going to make my list for Target on my phone.  Low and behold I had a few little notes that I hadn't seen before, but kind of melted my heart. 

This one below was something that Keith had shared during the meeting.  So he was following along!

And this one was Jace's memory verse for the week.  We didn't get to stay for the second meeting so I could hear him say it out loud, but we ended up back in Baudette this past weekend for a funeral and I asked him if he still remembered it, and he did!

He's nine and can be quite the pill at times, but sometimes he can just be so sweet!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

We're Having a......


We wanted our parents and family to find out first, but also wanted to do something fun other than just tell them over the phone.  So to Pinterest I went.  I thought this was pretty fitting since both my mom and I are obsessed with everything chocolate.

Our ultrasound wasn't until 4:30 in the afternoon so I had to be prepared.  I made a "he" and a "she" Hershey bar and we took pictures with both, went to the appointment and then right to the post office so mom would find out as soon as possible.  Then had to keep a secret for a couple days.  (Bonus - I had an extra Hershey "she" bar....yummy)

But my mom received her little surprise in the mail today, so the word is out.  Lincoln James Reeser is a healthy, extremely active little guy.  I was getting a little nervous since I haven't felt a ton of movement.  But, boy, do we have a little mover and shaker in there.  The ultrasound tech had a hard time getting good pictures of him because he was moving so much.  I thought at first it was her pushing around on my belly.  But at one point she finally held still and said, "just watch him."  I said to Hal, "oh no, we're in TROUBLE!!"

It was so fun to just watch him and see all the details that are still being formed.  He was on the screen for a good half hour.  I wish I could see that every day. 

We are thanking the Lord that so far everything looks normal and we have a healthy baby boy that we are dying to meet!!